Research PSA: DNM Vendors Survey

12:29 AM
Posted at the request of Prof. David Décary-Hétu’s (profile here)[1] and Marie Ouellet’s (profile here)[2], Both have the full confidence and endorsment of DDW who has been following their work for the past few years:
Are you selling drugs online?
Do you have a few minutes to help us improve our understanding of the harm reduction capacity of cryptomarkets?If yes, please read on!
Cryptomarkets have been thought to reduce the harms associated with the sale of drugs. Indeed, due to the virtual and anonymous nature of cryptomarkets, conflict resolution strategies should in theory default to other solutions than violence. The escrow system and arbitration services of administrators should also in theory help ensure the peaceful resolutions of conflicts.
We now need your help to improve our understanding of the harm reduction capacity of cryptomarkets and of these questions by answering a very short, 15 minutes online survey hosted on Tor. This will assist us in proposing new policies that take the potential of cryptomarkets into account. Our questions focus on harms and conflicts around online drug dealing while considering the types of vendors that are active. The survey does not ask for any identifying information and thereforeRead more ... source: DeepDotWeb [3]Advertise on the Bitcoin News[4]
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